Miss Tram Spa

Làm đẹp là phải tự nhiên

Miss Tram - Natural Beauty Center: Làm đẹp là phải tự nhiên

Miss Tram - Natural Beauty Center là một địa chỉ "chọn mặt gửi vàng" của hàng ngàn khách hàng tại HCM khi có nhu cầu chăm sóc - điều trị da, phun xăm, nối mi...

Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block

- Địa chỉ: 590/E4 Cách Mạng Tháng 8, Phường 11, Quận 3, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh (Đối diện công viên Lê Thị Riêng).
- Hotline: 1900 7018
- Website: https://thammymisstram.vn/

Triangle Decoration in Donate Block

- Chăm sóc - điều trị da
- Phun xăm
- Nối mi...

How we're keeping you safe during COVID-19

As an outdoor shop, we’ve taken precautionary measures to ensure the safety of all our customers and team members.

shop products

Open 24/7/365.

Shop Local.

We know that during COVID-19, a lot of folks around the city and state are feeling uneasy about the future - we’re not sure what the future holds either.

That said: we know that we love making sure you have the gear you need for your adventures, and we’re going to keep doing that - with our team - until the city tells us we can’t.

But as long as folks like yourself support small businesses around the city, then we’ll be here — every day, making sure your orders arrive on time.


Jane & John Doe
Acme Outdoors